The FS-Duenna flight validator for the Microsoft Flight Simulator

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Screenshot from the Duenna

The FS-Duenna is a small tool to help validate flights during the RTW-Race FlightSim vs Avsim vs Sim-Outhouse. It was found that the integrated Flight-Analysis-Window in FS2004 did not provide sufficient information to validate flights and that it sometimes displayed flights as invalid although everything was done correctly. This tool will check for specific conditions before, during and after a flight. It will create a validation-graphic which may be posted in the forum as a proof of validation. It also creates a small text file with all the information collected. Both are opened upon finishing the flight.

The program runs in the background as a separate task on your FS-Computer. Depending on your settings it can be quite small, non-intrusive. When you're on the ground, you can tell it that you've gotten the imaginary baton. It will then do the pre-flight checks and you can take off as soon as possible. Enroute it will do it's normal checks as well. Upon landing, you can tell it that you've droped the baton, opening the analysis windows.

Status: BETA
This program is still in a constant state of development. I appreciate all tests you guys do and would love to hear from you if you have any questions, problems or even if it just works as advertised. Let me know, that way we can either release it or change it :).

Please post your feedback in the forum at Thanks!

Frequently asked questions

Why do I have to restart my FS when The Duenna detects bad settings?
The Flight Simulator has a strange way of saving settings, a really strange way. The configuration file has a "mark" that settings were changed, however the new settings aren't saved in the file. In order for the Duenna to check your corrected settings, the Flight Simulator needs to be restarted. Sometimes this even needs to be done more than once, the Flight Simulator is sometimes very forgetful of these settings...

I forgot to grab the baton, what can I do?
Go back, land again, slow down to under 5 knots GS, grab the baton. Or hope the built-in FS Flight-Analysis works and post that as a validation...


Sample graphic:

Sample graphic

Sample text output:

Flight Log -- from FS-Duenna v.0.700 R85
Please do not change anything below this line.
  System Time UTC:        13.02.2006 11:20:13
  FS Time:                23.02.2005 12:40:24
  Aircraft gross weight:  7423.7 lbs
  Location:               N 46* 58.666' / E 8* 24.436'
  Airport:                LSMU 0.6nm
  Valid:                  VALIDATED
  Aircraft:               [P1] P-51H 'Ah'm Available'
  Air-File:               p51h.air / 12.01.2005 / 7.8 kB
  Aircraft-Reference:     Vne=439KIAS, Vcruise=275KTAS, Mmo=M0.810
  Max./Avg. Groundspeed:  396.6 kts / 238.7 kts
  Max. IAS:               373.0 kts
  Average IAS:            290.0 kts
  Average Head/Tailwind:  -1.2 kts
  Max. altitude:          8632 ft / 8557 ft PA (0x)
  Flight aborted:         no
  Time in overspeed:      0.0 secs.
  Error count:            0
  Valid:                  VALIDATED
  System Time UTC:        13.02.2006 11:36:09
  FS Time:                23.02.2005 12:56:14
  Aircraft gross weight:  7197.0 lbs
  Location:               N 46* 13.162' / E 7* 19.636'
  Airport:                LSGS 0.6nm
  Valid:                  VALIDATED

  Direct distance:        63.7 nm
  Flight time:            00:15:56
  Baton time:             00:15:58
  Average GS:             238.7 kts
Flight Simulator:         FS2004
Crash-Tolerance-Setting:  1.000
FSUIPC:                   3.530
Validation-ID:            158 060 6E6 (Rev. 1)
Date/Time(UTC); Latitude; Longitude; Altitude; VS; GS; KIAS; PA; QNH
13.02.2006 11:20:11; 46.977792; 8.407361; 1481; 0; 4; 1; 0; 0.0
13.02.2006 11:35:13; 46.224928; 7.354095; 1901; -506; 108; 105; 0; 0.0
13.02.2006 11:36:09; 46.219364; 7.327265; 1586; 0; 2; 5; 0; 0.0
(just copy the above path+file into your forum-attachment field.)

Baton-URL: ...
This file was created on 13.02.2006 11:36:29 UTC
Created by FS-Duenna - - (c) Johannes Mueller 


<% if false then %>

<% end if %>

Full installation, Rev. 44/13. Feb 2005 - approx. 5MB, requires FS2004/2002 / FSUIPC (may be unregistered)

Update, Rev. 117/9. Feb 2008 - approx. 0.5MB, requires a previous full installation, for FS2002, FS2004, FSX - for the 2008 RTW race

Update, Rev. 120/30. Jan 2009 - approx. 0.5MB, requires a previous full installation, for FS2002, FS2004, FSX - for the 2009 RTW race

Update, Rev. 131/30. Jan 2010 - approx. 0.5MB, requires a previous full installation, for FS2002, FS2004, FSX - for the 2010 RTW race

Full installation in a ZIP-Archive/13. Feb 2005 - approx. 1.5MB, requires VB6-Runtime, for experienced users only.

ReadMe-Text/8. Feb 2007 - Read-Me file to the Duenna (text-format)


Thanks to Ian Dale (TornadoWilkes), Michael MacKuen and Matt Smith for all the help, encouragement, testing and ideas!

Copyright © 2004-2010 by Johannes Mueller, all rights reserved. These files may NOT be posted anywhere else without express written permission by the author.

Please feel free to contact me via email: jm [at]